Security Research of Food sweetener Erythritol
Population data clinical studies have shown that high-dose intake of erythritol CAS 149-32-6 under fasting conditions may lead to gastrointestinal reactions, such as diarrhea. Although the critical intake leading to this reaction has not been accurately defined, the data show that under general (any) conditions, this value is greater than 0.6 ~ 0.8g/kg per day. Under the conditions set according to the purpose of use, the value is greater than 1.0g/kg per day. Human experiments show that the threshold of erythritol for osmotic diuresis is about 1.0g/kg per day.
Metabolism erythritol is a small molecular substance, which is easily absorbed by the small intestine through passive diffusion. Most of it can enter the blood circulation, and only a small amount can directly enter the large intestine for carbon source fermentation. However, erythritol entering the blood can not be digested and hydrolyzed by the enzyme system in the body, but can only be filtered out of the blood through the kidney and excreted through urine.

Acute toxicity acute oral toxicity test on rats and mice showed that LD50 ≥ 21.5g/kg, belonging to the actual non-toxic level.
The genetic toxicity Ames test, mouse bone marrow cell micronucleus test and sperm test were negative, and there was no genetic toxicity.
Subchronic toxicity has not been reported in the literature.
Chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity were not found in the relevant literature.
Reproductive and developmental toxicity no relevant literature was found.
No other relevant literature was found.